Thursday, August 19, 2010

St. John's is a very cool place. I personally would rather live outside a small city but I sure would like to come back to St. John's for another vacation. We had a lot of fun and there was still a lot to be had.

We stayed with Tara's Uncle and Auntie the whole time we were there. We still haven't had to pay for a place to stay since we got here. The first night in St. John's we went out for a drive with Tara's cousin Chris. He took us all around the city and up to Signal Hill. After he dropped us off we went for a drive ourselves. We got very lost, probably because we were looking for 2 different places. Still St. John's is hard to get around. Every road twists turns and becomes either a Y or a peace sign, so you have no idea where the road starts or ends. Once we found our bearings we went to a 24 hour restaurant on Water Street. When you hear 24 hour you think crappy food, but this place was pretty awesome. It was a pub and a restaurant. The food was great and the place was really nice. Not sure why there aren't more places like this.

The second day we went down to Water Street to do a little shopping. We also went to a nice vegetarian restaurant. We sure appreciate it when we find vegetarian restaurants but we get over-whelmed because we usually don't have much to choose from. While we were there we met up with one of Tara's friends Donald. He's a nice guy, interesting to say the least. That night which was a Saturday we went to George Street. If you haven't heard of George Street check it out, because it is awesome. The street it self is not that big but it is full of bars. I would say there is about 40 bars on the street and they are on both sides of the street. Normally when you walk outside the bar the party ends but not on George Street, it is everywhere you turn. I have never been to a street like this one, it is very cool and I want to do it again. Other than the fact that the party is in and out side the bar all the bars are really fun as well and there is something for everyone. We didn't get home till 4am and we had to train the next day.

The next day we actually felt okay. We went to a beautiful place along the coast called Pouch Cove. Here we met our new friend Dave Pilgrim. We went to meet him because 1 our Sifu recommend him to us and 2 because he teaches JKD. We met up with him at noon and planned on having a 3 hour class. We went for a walk down to the East Coast Trail which is right in front of his house. We stopped on a bunch of big flat slanted rocks right beside the water. The rocks were probably about 100ft. above the water. It was the most beautiful place we have ever trained at. During the training session our attention kept getting pulled to all the whales that were coming out of the water, some within ear shot. The training itself was great and we learned some pretty cool stuff. After the training we all walked farther along the trail so we could find some blueberries. The blueberries weren't fully grown but we did get some. The better part of the walk was the beauty of trail. We saw more whales amazing coves and rock faces. We even made it to a rock beach down in a cove with really high rock cliffs on either side and a stream running through into the ocean. We sat on the beach for about an hour looking at rocks and enjoying the peace a beauty. After that we walked back to Dave's house and he showed us around. He has a sweet dog named Daisy, she is a cross between a Rottweiler and a Mastiff. Unfortunately Dave has to move from this beautiful home, the good news is that we get to see him again in Kitchener where he is going to be teaching out of the club that we are already training out of. Our 3 hour class turned into 7 hours of training and hanging out.

That night we went for dinner at Montana's. I mention where we ate because they always blow me away with their customer service. Every time that I have either complained or just simply had something not work out perfectly they always give us something for free or even pay for the whole meal. Our Antijitoes didn't come out before our meal so we got them to go for free. Just so you know I'm not getting payed for saying that. After that we went to the movie with Tara's cousin Chris. We went to Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and it is awesome. It was so much more then I could have expected. I just need to say that the Dragon Ball Z movie that was made a couple of years ago absolutely sucks. I love DBZ but the movie was atrocious and I 100% believe that if the guys that made Scott Pilgrim remade the DBZ movie, it would be amazing.

The next day Tara's Uncle and Aunt's kids came over with there kids for a BBQ, Chris is one of them. It was a great time. After that we went to a festival with Auntie and Uncle called Festival of Friends. Basically its a bunch of people with live music and a beer tent. At the end of the night they have fireworks but we left before they went off. We went to Chris's for a little bit and then to Mount Pearl to visit more of Tara's family.

The next day we went with Chris and his family to Cape Spear. Cape Spear is the most Eastern place in all of North America. It was really awesome. It wasn't a sunny day it was actually very windy which I think made it even cooler. We walked along rocks just on the edge of a cliff and there were small waves hitting the rocks. It was pretty great being there and now we can say that we were there. I wanted to climb down a bit of it because it wasn't very steep but Tara forbid it. lol.

That was the last day we were there. Our trip to St. John's was very eventful and we wanted to stay longer. We enjoyed everyone we saw but I most liked meeting Chris. He is one of Tara's favorite cousin's and I can see why. She compared him to my cousin Logan, who is my favorite cousin and one of my best friends. Now were off to Buchans to visit with Tara's 92 year old Nan.

Self Defence
Martial Arts
Realworld Self Defence
The Self Defense Company
Canadian Wing Chun Fellowship

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