Monday, November 30, 2009

Hello everyone, how many is everyone? I have no idea. Well I have something exciting to write about this time. We went on another adventure/ journey. We went to Ecuador for a week and it was amazing. I will give as much detail as I can about the trip from start to finish but well have to leave some more personal things out.

We left Kitchener on the 15th at about 12 noon. We took the bus to Toronto, then to Ontario and then to Montreal. We had booked our flight from Montreal about a month before we got to Kitchener cause we had still been planning on living in Montreal. The bus rides took a total of 12 hours to get to Montreal. When we got to Montreal we got dropped off at the airport at about 1:30am and had to wait till 6:30am for our flight to Miami. This would have been ok if there were some comfy chairs or benches to lay on but there wasn't. The best we found were hard marble-looking benches which could have been mistaken for coffee tables. While we were there I also drank the first cup of coffee since about 2001. After our 3 hour flight to Miami we had a 6 hour stop over. Then we had about a 3 hour flight into Quito, Ecuador, which took us to about 9:30pm. So we had been traveling for about 32 to 33 hours straight, yes we were pretty tired. When we were coming in to land it was so awesome cause Quito is right in the mountians. It was night-time so the city lights were on. I think Fort McMurray looks beautiful at night when you are driving down Beaconhill, but that doesn't even compare to what Quito looks like at night. There are about 2 million people in Quito so there are so many lights, and they follow the sides of mountains and go over hills; they looked like a blanket of lights drapped over the hills.

The hotel we stayed at was a Radisson, and it was probably the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in. When we got to our room there were 2 desserts waiting for us.

I have never had that happen before. The only down fall of the rooms was that the 2 beds were twin beds, so sleeping was quite cramped. The next morning we got picked up at the hotel by 2 buses and we were off to the hacienda.

The bus ride was close to 2 hours long. The scenery was amazing, so many hills and mountains. The roads were winding all through the mountain range. Even the rock faces were amazing. They were so different in the way the rock layers seemed to twist into one another. I can't fully explain the beauty of Ecuador so I won't even try, but we did take a lot of pictures. When our main computer gets here we will have many pics to put up since this computer doesn't seem to want to.

Now the reason for the trip to Ecuador wasn't for the beautiful scenery, it was actually for a ceremony. A Shaman type ceremony. We were there for 4 nights and we did 3 nights of a very special plant medicine. I'm not going to say what it was but it refills the DMT levels in the brain. I'm not saying what it was cause I feel that I shouldn't. I will tell you the purpose of it though. The plant medicine we took can do many things such as heal you physically, and show you Celestial worlds and hell worlds. What it mainly does is show you your inner worlds and your inner lights and darknesses. It shows you your shadow self and shadow traits. There are so many levels to this process. For example, we all have demons inside of us, on us and around us. Yes demons/negative energies do exsist and they do affect us at all times. While on the medicine you purge and when you do you are actually purging dark energies out of your body. When you purge it feels like there is a lot of substance coming out when actually there isn't much coming out at all, it is mainly energy. It helps to clean the demons from your insides. I guess I will say what it is that we did so you can do some research on this stuff. I fully believe that most people can get a lot out of taking it. But don't take it on your own. It's best to take it with people that know what they are doing and that have proccessed their shadows. That part is most important. Ayahuasca is a very powerful medicine and teacher and should only be done with experienced people. Aya can take you to places that you may not be able to understand and the energies that are flying around the room can be very powerful. I'll finish with saying that it helped me out a lot with what it taught me and the lessons will continue for many months. I am so grateful for what I have learned from that experince and will do my very best to better myself and to proccess my darkness so that it will not be in control of me, but rather that I will be in control of it.

Besides the ceremonies the people and the place were so wonderful and beautiful. The people that come to these ceremonies are very brave, as it takes a lot of bravery to really look at yourself. To not lie to yourself but to admit that, yes I am dark and I do have these bad traits, and I am willing to see them for what they are and to face them-head on and to work on myself and come out on top no matter what it takes, is really the desired end result. So Aya isn't about getting high, it's about learning and self-realization.

Anyways the trip was amazing and I would recommened it to all.

The trip back was about the same as the way there, other then the fact that we stayed at a hostel in Montreal. We got back to Kitchener on Monday the 23rd, and we were happy to be home. The trip was very tiring. One last thing to mention about the ceremonies was that you couldn't eat or drink 4 hours before and the ceremony lasted from 7pm to 2am. You could eatafterwards, but you usually didn't feel like it. There was breakfast served every morning but we never made it to breakfast so we repeatedly fasted for 24 hours, only eating once per day.

Hope you enjoyed this post. I won't be reading it over for mistakes so I'm sure there will be a lot.

(Jun.6/10: I just got around to editing this one and adding a few pictures...hopefully there'll be even fewer mistakes now! -Tara)

Martial Arts
Self Defense
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company
Canadian Wing Chun Fellowship

1 comment:

  1. awsome. I miss you guys, I look forward to a fire and sharing Journeys and thoughts.
