Thursday, October 22, 2009

I just wanted to mention that we found a place to live. It is a 2 bedroom basement suite and it is walking distance from the Club. It isn't a beautiful place but it is a good price and the location is perfect. The other place we wanted didn't work out but we can see that place from the place we got, so that works for us.

I was thinking that another thing that I can write about in the next couple of months is the stuff that I forgot to mention when we were traveling. For example when we were in Katepwa beach Tara got shit on by a bird. I thought it was hilarious and I'm sure you are enjoying the image yourself.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sorry for not writing in a while but we don't have internet where we are staying, and when we do get to a place with internet Tara usually has alot to do and by the time she is done I don't feel like doing anything with the computer. I am actually quite surprised with myself as far how much writing I have done on this blog. I didn't really like writing before, probably because I related it to school and I did not like school. Well I did like recess, lunch, physed and talking when I wan't supposed to.

Anyways this past week has been great. We went to all the classes plus one 3 hour private lesson. Wing Chun is so awesome and we are learning alot. Like I said before Sifu Chuck is great. He really knows his stuff and he teaches it so well. He gives you all the secrets, which is greatly appreciated. There are so many little things that increases your power, balance and stability. This is truely an art that you can spend a life time mastering. The main difference between the Self Defense that we teach and any art certainly is the time needed to become effective in it. I love martial arts though and that is why I train so much. Like The Self Defense company says "Minimal Training, Maximum Effect."

On to other things we've been up to. We have been looking for an apartment for 2 weeks now and we still don't have a place. We do have a place that we want but there are 2 other couples that might get it. It is so perfect, it is a one bedroom for $700 a month and it is within walking distance from the Club. By the way the club is called Heritage Martial Arts. Oh and my Sifu's web page is, if you want to check it out. It has been quite stressful trying to find a place. We don't have a vehicle as I'm sure you have realized this by now, so this makes it a bit harder to go see places. Basically we take buses and ride our bikes to all the places. Mainly we try to stick to the area that we are training at but have looked at other parts of the city.

This weekend we went to the club for JKD training. It turned into a Kali session but it was cool. We did some stick forms, knife disarms, and some empty hand. Every second weekend Sifu teaches Jeet Kune Do, so we will try to make it to as many as possible. My Sifu is also in the proccess of making instructional videos for Wing Chun if anyone is interested. The Wing Chun he teaches is from the Yip Man, Moy Yat line. The other thing we did this weekend was go to Yuk Yuk's. The main act was hilarious, his name is Andy Boorke. He was very dirty, he reminded us of Joe Rogan but different material obviously.

I hope that what I am going to be writing about in the next few months will still be interesting since we are no longer traveling. Well atleast not till June. I will keep writing and because we will have a place I will probably write more about what is on my mind at not so much about what exciting things were doing, because mainly we will be training. I will ask my Sifu if it is okay to go into more detail about the training we are receiving so that I can teach you somethings. Actually I will probably tell you more stuff about self defense anyways but hopefully I can add some Wing Chun to the mix.

Talk to you again soon.

Martial Arts
Self Defense
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

Friday, October 9, 2009

Just yesterday me and Tara finished 3 days of Wing Chun training. We did about 8 hours each day, so you could say we are pretty frigin sore now. Our Sifu is amazing! He knows his stuff so well, and he is a really really great guy. He has already done so much for us outside of teaching. I could go on all day giving praise to him. I am just so glad that we found him. As of right now we have decided to stay in Kitchener instead of going to Montreal because of Sifu. I have tried getting a hold of other Wing Chun teachers in Montreal but no one has responded. That doesn't give me a very good feeling so I can't see why I would want to go train with them.

I guess I forgot to mention my Sifu's name, his name is Chuck O'Neill. Another good thing about getting to train with him is that I will also get to learn Jeet Kune Do, Kali stick work and a wide range of other things. He has also done alot of body guarding, for example his was a body guard for Chuck Liddel.

We don't start training again till Tuesday night and I already miss it. We will be doing all the evening classes and one 3 hour private lesson for the next 3 weeks, and there will be 2 Jeet Kune Do classes on 2 Saturdays. I'm so happy to have found this place and my new Sifu. Another thing that we might get to do this month is go to Toronto to train with Sifu Chuck's Sifu.

I will add one last thing. Tara did a very good job training, she picked up on the teachings well and she never gave up the whole time. What a trooper she keeps impressing me and I am so glad she was there with me and I hope she sticks with it. I'm pretty sure she well, probably not to the extent that I will but still she will learn alot more in the next 6 months.

Staying here is still a maybe, were 97% sure were staying.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

Monday, October 5, 2009

I just have to write. I have been noticing on tv something that most have seen but most may not have realized. I noticed that on NFL there is alot of pink. What does pink mean. It meens love. It is a celestial colour that means love. Guess what the powers of control want it to mean? They want it to mean cancer. I will say that yes we want to cure cancer but what is actually happening is that we are actually supporting breast cancer. What we should be supporting when it somes to this stuff is the breasts, boobs, tits, what ever you want to call it.

To many people in this world are supporting something that needs another kind of support. When you think of the colour pink it is filled with a negetive feeling. Cancer has been cured! The Government wants me and you to believe that we need to give them money to find a cure that has already been found. What a crock of sorry to say shit. I know and now you know. Cancer is a money maker and so many people are dieing from a disease that is cureable. It sickens me and truely upsets me. I hear about people loosing loved ones from cancer and I want to tell them that it didn't have to happen. Who wants to hear that, no one! Please everyone stop supporting cancer and start supporting life. For example, support peace and not anti war, cause there is still war in what you are supporting. Give your feelings to love and acceptance. I have a saying that goes like this "Acceptance is Love Defined."

I know I say things that sound like they are in stone but I feel good about those things. It doesn't mean that I don't want to hear what you have to say but it is my opinion and why not say what I feel. You should say what you feel and not feel bad about it at all. Express yourself over and over and over and over. Why? Why not! Find your own strenghth and never ever feel bad about it. Take a deep breath and say what ever you want to say.

My auntie told me tonight to say what ever I want because people need to hear it and well looks like that is exactly what I am doing:) I love my auntie and that is where I will stop for now. Talk to you again soon.

Self Defense

Martial Arts

Joe Self Defense

The Self Defense Company

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The next place we got to was Owen Sound. It is a good sized town and we liked it quite a bit. Not a lot of restaurant chains, most were independent-types we found. We were there for 3 nights and we went to a few nice restaurants and all of them had Guinness! It rained pretty much every day we were there, but we have rain coats so that never stops us from going out. While we were there, we walked everywhere we went so my leg could rest. It's funny, Tara's leg would hurt when she walks and not when she bikes, and mine is the exact opposite.

My leg injury was the cause of riding in too hard of a gear all the time. If I push myself too hard all the time it will eventually hurt me, so take it easy is what I must do. Tara said a funny thing to me about it, "When people hear about us riding bikes halfway across Canada they're not going to ask what gear you were in." Our egos sure are a funny thing.

The original plan was to stay in Owen Sound for 2 days and then continue on, but we got some bad news the morning we were about to leave. We have decided to stay in Kitchener for the month of October, if I didn't already mention that. We had a place set up to stay and when we e-mailed back to confirm it, it had been given away. We were at a loss of what to do, so on the way out of town we stopped at another hotel so we could try and find another place to stay in Kitchener. After about 3 hours of searching we couldn't find anything, until one nice place that previously told us that 2 months was the minimum for rental terms, said yes because we offered to pay more then the asking price. After we had been approved, the lady that gave away the first room e-mailed us back saying we could stay in her rec room. So now we have 2 possibilities. Not as peachy as it sounds though...

Anyways before we left, we got to see Tara's cousin Jason who actually grew up in the area. We haven't seen him since about Christmas time. Then we went on our way south to Mount Forest, which is a small town but a very good feeling town. We went out for dinner to a place called Queen's Bush Bistro. It was awesome; the food was amazing and they had Guinness. We did not expect there to be such a great restaurant in a small town, the guy was a chef not just a cook.

Just so you know, since the second last day at Owen Sound Fall has definitly arrived. It is cold now and raining a lot as well. So we made it to Fergus the next day and we stayed in an Inn. It was pretty cool, our room was called the Victor Kyle. Again they had really good food...and Guinness. The last few days have been awesome for food. The nachos at this place were ridiculous, they were huge. For twelve dollars you get a plate that is about 2 feet long. We didn't get that one, we got a half order for six dollars and we could not finish that.

Before we left in the morning we had to send money to the landlord of the apartment we found. The landlord lives in the UK and we can't see the place untill the money is sent and then HomeTrader gets an email to let them know we can see the place. The transaction isn't complete until we say yes after seeing the place. So we are riding to Kitchener and, on what we figure is our last day of riding, it rains hard the whole way and it is also only 6 degrees out. We didn't make it to Kitchener we made it to Guelph, which is basically connected to Kitchener and we stayed in a hotel for the night. We stayed there because the HomeTrader people hadn't called us yet and we even stayed at our hotel till 2:00pm waiting for a call that we did not receive. We then decided to ride to Cambridge where the rec room is for us to stay. Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo are all very close to each other, so close you could call them the same city. So right now we are in Cambridge staying in the rec room for a couple days awaiting the call for the apartment. It is pretty nice here, there are 2 cats and a dog and 3 other people staying here. It is a full house so we hope the apartment works out. The lady that owns the place is very nice and the animals are great. I haven't even seen the other 2 roommates but I'm sure they're nice too.

I'll let you know how things go with the apartment and tomorrow is my birthday. You probably know it is Alexander Keith's as well, so we will be drinking some Keith's tomorrow; sorry Arthur.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company