Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sorry for not posting for a while but we have been having trouble with our wireless signal. I will start by mentioning something I forgot about when we were in Thunderbay. We were in a pub having a couple Guinness and who walks in, Mr. Layhee from the Trailer Park Boys. I hope I spelled that right. We didn't talk to him or anything but it was cool seeing him.

So now I will explain what we've been doing since we left Sudbury. Our first day of biking took us 70km to a town called Espanola. We stayed there for 2 days because when we woke up it was pouring rain, also the hotel was very nice. It had really nice pictures of animals all over the rooms and the hallways. It felt so nice being there, most of the walls had wood paneling and really nice bright colours everywhere else. While we were in Sudbury/ the time we spent in Espanola, a group in Nigeria asked me to teach them self defense. They wanted me to go to Nigeria to teach about 90 people because they are having trouble with kidnappings over there. I said no to going there because I have too much going on here, but I have so far let them know that they can send some of their people to Montreal for me to teach.
Anyways after Espanola we continued heading south onto Manitoulin Island which is the biggest fresh water island in the world. It was very beautiful there, at one point we were at a look-out that so far would have to be the most beautiful place we have ever been. I can't even explain it fully, but the beauty of it resonated in our hearts and we where able to see little firefly type lights all around us. These lights are real and they are amazing. This place was about 20km south of Little Current where we had stayed the night before, which is a pretty nice little docking town. After that we headed to South Baymouth so we could catch the ferry across to Tobermory. South Baymouth was pretty uneventful, but we did meet a guy who owns a restuarant and has spent most of his life training in Kenpo. He had some interesting stories to tell. He said he personally knew both Lennox Lewis and The Big Show, Paul White, from the WWF. He also mentioned he could do a one-handed push-up where he would put a quarter between his middle and pointer finger and grab it with his mouth. He is 50 years old now but he did it. I tried after him and did it, but not as well as he did. I will practise that one until I can do it well.

When we got to Tobermory we spent some time riding around and then stopped in at a bar with a second story balcony. It was 28 degrees out so we spent about 3 hours there. While we were there we met 2 guys that we had a good conversation with. One of them was a scuba instructor and the other guy was a Taekwon Do instructor from the UK. It was cool talking to him about teaching because obviously I'm an instructor as well. Since we don't have to be in Kitchener until October 5th, we decided to take our time getting there, so we stayed there for 2 nights just because.

The plan then was to ride to Wiarton which is 77km south of Tobermory, but I was only able to make it 47km to a town called Ferndale. For some reason my knee was hurting a lot, it was shooting pains down my shin and up the back of my leg everytime I peddled. We made it to Wiarton the next day and it hurt the whole way, so we stopped there for a rest. When we first got there, there was a parade that was going down their main street. Good timing for sure on our part. While we were there a man came up to us in the restuarant noticing that my knee was bothering me and mentioned an old technique for taking swelling down. It is to soak a towel in vinegar, heat it up and wrap the area that is hurting. So we went to the grocery store to try this. While we were sitting outside the store resting, a man came up to us to ask us where were going and where we were coming from. During this conversation we mentioned that my knee was hurting a lot so he asked me more about that. It turned out that he is a Chiropractor and his practice is just down the street, so he offered me a free adjustment. The coolest part was that 2 minutes before he showed up I was thinking that I should go see a Chiropractor. It is so amazing how people come into your life when you really need them. I'm certain I would not have been able to continue on that day, but after he adjusted me I was able to ride another 40km. I must say that Chiropractors know their stuff and can help you with almost anything. Medical doctors are completely useless, try a Chiro you will not regret it.

Well that's all I have to say for now and hopefully I will write again soon. Also we are having trouble with getting the pictures on the computer so be patient because they will come eventually.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

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