Thursday, September 17, 2009

I just wanted to mention a few things. While in Thunder Bay we didn't do much that was exciting. We got my break line fixed, cause by the looks of it someone had cut it with a knife. We also went bowling which was fun. The main thing we did there though was to sit in our room and do a lot of reading. Most of our reading we do is on-line. We are part of an internet thing where we get articles and lessons, there are a lot of them and they are very interesting and very important. The main purpose of it is to create love, tenderness, gentleness and respect inside of us. This is something we all need and the world but first of all we need to take care of ourselves.

Another thing we should start looking into is what is really happening in this world and not through the news and newspapers as these forms of info are majorly influenced by the powers that have chosen to control us. For example vaccinations are not the way to avoid getting sick it is actually how we will get sick. It is a proven fact all over the world, it is actually meant for thining the populations numbers. Very scary stuff and it is something that every person in the world is going to have to deal with/stand up against. The swine flu is a major one that is going to be manditory for atleast the U.S., and once again it is not the way to avoid getting the virus it is the virus. So atleast do some research on this and by doing this you will find a world of info that will lead you to great understanding of what is really happening all around us. One more thing if you don't already know, the governments of North America and Cenral America are trying to join Canada, United States and Mexico into one country. I don't know how you feel about this but I don't like it. Anyways just thought I would share a couple of things with you that I feel is important.

Talk to you again soon.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

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