Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It has been a while once again so I have lots to update you about. After Grand Beach we spent the next few days biking as much as possible. We went a little farther north until we got to highway 11. This was a very nice ride, there was always lake beside us. We went through a very long reserve and almost every dog that we saw along there took chase after us. It was pretty funny because basically they just wanted something to chase. I have zero fear of dogs so they do not ever feel like they can dominate me, which means they do not bite me. At the end of this first day of biking we made it to Lac du Bonnet, where we stayed the night in a nice little hotel. I must say the best hotels are the ones with dvd players and free movies for guests.

The next day we started down highway 307. Now this road we found so nice. A lot of hills but that did not bother me at all. So many lakes and campgrounds with cabins and resorts. I think there were about 6 different cabin/campground areas along this road. We only stayed at one, it was called White Lake. Here we stayed in a rustic cabin for $70. The next day we made it to West Hawk Lake, about 15km from the Ontario border, and we stayed in a motel. It was a small camping community so there was lots to do.

Once we left there we went to Kenora, where we spent 3 nights waiting to catch the bus to Winnipeg. Kenora is a beautiful city with about 17,000 people. It is right on Lake of the Woods and on this lake there are 14,500 islands. We went on a little cruise around the lake and we saw a bunch of bald eagles and a lot of islands with cabins on them. They look so cool and I sure wish I had one. I wonder how much they cost...a dick load I am sure. The rest of the time was spent relaxing and exploring. To finish off the Kenora story I will mention where we stayed. We stayed at the Travel Lodge and the lady at the front desk is super nice, so nice in fact that we brought her a teddy bear that we won in Las Vegas. She gave us a bigger room for the price of the smaller rooms, and she did it again for our return. The other thing they did for us was hold our bikes and trailers for us while we were gone. The original plan was to leave our stuff at the Greyhound since they told us we could, but when we got there with our stuff they said "No we don't store stuff here." So we were shit out of luck. Just to mention to those that do not know us, we do not get payed to say anything nice about the businesses we talk about, we just say nice things about the people and places that deserve it.

So the next thing to talk about is our Las Vegas trip. We got there Thursday morning at 9am so we had the whole day to explore and get drunk. The airline misplaced our bag so they sent it to our hotel for us. This worked out great because we could not check in until 3pm anyways, so we did not have to worry about carrying our bag everywhere. We went and played some beer pong at one of the casinos. It was the version without paddles and personally, I do not consider this beer pong but it was still fun. While we were there we got talked into going to one of those time-share things because there was 2 free tickets to a selection of shows offered for going. They also said that lunch was on them and that it should take no more than about 2 hours. No we did not fall for their sales pitch, and yes we did get the tickets. The tickets were for Carrot Top. I know what you are thinking, why would we want to see him? That is what we were thinking as well, until the show started that is. We have never laughed so hard and for so long at a comedy show in our entire lives. Sorry for the language but he is fuck'n hilarious. We have a whole new respect for him. After the show we got to visit with our friends Gary and Marylene who were down for the seminar as well. It was great seeing them again and of course we spent more time with them throughout the weekend. The next day we had breakfast with them but then we had to go our seperate ways because they were there to help with the seminar. Then we got to see our other friends who were also down for the seminar, Rodney and Lacey. We spent the majority of the time with them because we had no responsibilities other then showing up to the seminar and then going out partying. It was great spending time with them as well. I wish I could see them and many of my other friends more often, but this is what happens when you go on a journey, certain things must be left behind or at least put on hold. So on that note everyone that I am friends with and family of course we love you and miss you, but not enough to come home anytime soon. So other then having a great time with every part of the weekend I got some amazing news on Saturday night. My sister had a BABY BOY!! His name is Carter Patrick, sorry but I am not going to say his last name because I am not sure who is reading this. I was so happy that night I was telling all kinds of people, I was drunk so I told pretty much everyone that I saw.

Just to finish we are now in Kenora and will be leaving in a day or 2 to conitue on. The pictures will follow behind this. Talk to you all again sooner or later. Oh and one last thing that happened to me that I thought was cool in Vegas, I shook BJ Penn's hand.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

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