Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So we made our way to P.E.I for what we had planned to be a 2 night visit, turned into a 4 night stay. Once again we find another part of Canada that is beautiful.

The island is full of farms and small communities. There is also so much to do on the island. We stayed with our friends while we were there and they showed us a lot of the Island, of course not all of it but a good portion. One of my favorite parts about PEI is that all the food there is locally grown. They also take the initiative to recycle everything. It is a good place for the other provinces to learn from.

There is way to much to say about PEI as is the same with the other provinces, but I will say that I love everyone of them. Each place has its own energy, wonderful people and fun things to do.

A couple of the things we did there was, go to the Fair and ride go-karts, went swimming in the ocean, went for dinner, went sight seeing, and just hung out with our friends Meagan and Jason. We met them when we were in Fort McMurray and it was great seeing them in their own surroundings. Jason built their house and it is a nice little place on 5 acres of land. The land there is very cheap so you can do a lot there with little money. All of the Atlantic provinces have good prices for land, the only thing is, there isn't a lot of jobs. Another thing I did was go for a bike ride down the Trans Canada Trail. The trail goes right across the island. I only rode for 54km and I was good for the day, it was also 35 degrees out.

We were told that PEI was big into martial arts and that we would find all kinds of schools there. I tried but all I could find was 4 schools all teaching stuff I'm not interested in. One more thing about PEI if you don't know is that there is a 13km bridge connecting the Island to the main land.

Self Defence
Martial Arts
Realworld Self Defence
The Self Defense Company
Canadian Wing Chun Fellowship

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