Tuesday, September 7, 2010

PEI was the last place we needed to visit before we headed home. We gave ourselves 4 days to make the trip back. We first went to Fredericton since we missed it on the way through the first time.

We had a good time in Fredericton. We just spent one night there and since it was Friday we went to a bar. It was a really cool bar too. It is called Iroc and it is on Queen Street. It is like 4 bars in 1. We ended up dancing like fools, but we don't know anyone there so who cares right, who cares anyways really.

The next day we drove all day right through Quebec into Ontario. We camped the night in a place called Morrisburg. You may have noticed that both ways in the trip we didn't spend much time in Quebec. Why is this, I'm not sure really. I guess we just wanted to spend as much of the trip as we could in NFLD, so we didn't have time. We did visit Montreal a few months ago though.

Then we made our way to Bowmanville up through Lindsay till we were at the north side of Simcoe Lake. We stayed at McRae Point Provincial Park for the night. We had planned on staying for 2 nights but wanted to be home so bad that we just left after 1 night.

So yes we are now home in Kitchener where we will be spending at least one more year training our asses off in Wing Chun. The trip was amazing and I would love to go back and visit everyone that we saw along the way. We covered so much ground and saw so many wonderful people, places and things. We didn't measure perfectly yet but we figure we drove 13 or 14 thousand km. So including the bike ride from Alberta too Kitchener it would be about15 or 16 thousand km of traveling across Canada.

The journey isn't over yet and really, it won't ever end. Still more training and then we have to go to B.C where a whole new kind of journey will begin. Anyway I'm sure I will post here and there when ever I feel inspired. We hope you have been enjoying the trip thus far, I know we have.

Martial Arts
Self Defence
Realworld Self Defence
The Self Defense Company
Canadian Wing Chun Fellowship

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