Monday, August 24, 2009

Once again it has been a few days since our last entry so we have alot to catch up on. We left Brandon heading east on Highway 1. It was raining pretty hard that day but stopped right before we got to the campground. We turned south towards Carberry, we didn't stop there we just went past it all the way down to Spruce Woods Provincial Park. We didn't do any exploring but there is supposed to be a bunch of sand dunes all around there. The next day we went to St. Claude along highway 2. At about half way we had stopped into Holland for a little break when a lady driving a bus full old people stopped and offered us a place to stay. Very unexpected but very cool.

When we got to St. Claude we stopped at a small restaurant to have a few beers casue it was so hot out. Then we went to the ladies house that was offered to us. There we met her husband. Their names are Robert and Josainne, I hope I got her name right we have miss placed the card they gave us at the moment but when we find it we will make the correction. We had a great stay with them, we had really good food and good company. We also got an unexpected tour of the town, starting with a plane ride which was awesome and then a more up close tour in their car. It was also the first time we had been in a vehicle in about a month. They told us that they have bikers stop in alot, we were probably the third or fourth group that stayed there this year. Thanks again for everything you two we really appreciated it.

The next place we stopped was Starbuck which not to bring down the people we have met along the way but the people we met there will stay in our hearts for ever. I will not go into detail at this time cause Tara wants to write about our experience there. I will say hi to Chris, Brody, Jayden and Page or Gringo, B-man, Princess and Bear. You are all great and we will see you again.

I do have more to write about but I will let Tara write her thing first, it might not be today but it will come shortly.

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