Thursday, August 6, 2009

I just wanted to mention two very important people that we met in Amsterdam at the Stuart Wilde conference. Their names are Sterling and Christine and they helped us more than they probably realize. Sterling is a chiropractor and a very good one if I may say. He showed us a bunch of things we could do to help Tara's leg get better and yes it did help a lot. He also cracked my back better then any other chiro has. It was the first time I stood straight since I broke my back. Christine does many things with energy healings and other amazing things that I am unable to fully explain. The most interesting thing that she taught us, for me, was how to connect with nature and how to listen to what she(nature) wants and needs. I canot wait to learn more from her. They did so much for us in the short time we spent with them and we appreciate it so much. Christine and Sterling we look forward to seeing you again. To all of you that we met at the conference we send you lots of love:).

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