Friday, July 17, 2009

We are about to go into the bush for a few days for some camping and to let nature help heal Tara's leg. Also we just want to have some peace and quiet.

Last night we decided that instead of hiking and busing across Canada we will Bhike across Canada. No spelling mistake we will Bhike, this means we are going to bike and hike. So we will bike the time we would have been busing and hike around anytime we feel like. We will have to stash our bikes as we go but this will offer us a way to lighten the load when we hike, for Tara's sake, and we will still be able to cross Canada using our bodies and not a motorized vehicle. I am very excited about this decision and so is Tara. I am so excited about it because my favorite things to do are biking, walking, training in Martial Arts, and hanging with my girl. It is a change from what we had originally planned, but that is fine with us because we know we have to stay open to what may happen next or what may just have to happen next. It was perfect how we decided to do it. After getting groceries we sat beside the highway to "relax" when two people rode by on bikes with a small trailer behind each one. It looked so perfect and so fun. I had asked the universe for a way to make this trip happen because it was starting to look bleak, and what does it do but show us exactly what we needed. Thanks Universe! Everyday has something to give and we are in a place where we are ready to receive, so very exciting.

We will be back in about a week to tell you about our little break in the bush. The truth is in the bush :)

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company


  1. Hi guys, where are you? A week passed and no post, it's Aug.4. I'm thinking about you both. How is bhiking going?:-) Say hi to bush:-) Gosia.

  2. Hi Gosia!! Things are great...except getting to a computer is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Think of you often too. Heard you were in B.C. with Vincent. Visiting Magda & Co I imagine?! Hope your summer is fun and relaxing. Bhiking is turning out to be a much better idea, too! We're getting places so much quicker and are more mobile within more cabs, yaayy!! Love you lots. Joe & Tara, xoxo. Hi to Ian & Vincent :)
