Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm supposed to be at work right now but my back is bugging me. I broke my back almost 7 years ago for those that don't already know. So sometimes my back muscles get really tense and I need to focus on stretching and resting for a couple days.

Anyways, I would like to tell you a bit about our Sigung Nelson Chan and his Kwoon (club) in Toronto. Since we got here we have been there to visit 4 times. Our Sigung has been training in Wing Chun for over 40 years. He learned it from his Sifu Moy Yat and Moy Yat learned it from Yip Man. Sigung learned the Hong Kong version, which is the original version. It is very cool to have found a lineage of Wing Chun that is so pure and effective. My Sifu prayed to find a good Wing Chun instructor and I searched for one, guess we both got what we were looking for. Other than getting to meet our Sigung at his Kwoon, we also get to meet his other students, which are part of our Wing Chun family. Each time we go we become closer with them which is very cool, and each time we go back we are all a little bit better, so we get to see each other's growth. Our Wing Chun Uncle, or our Sibok, Louis has taught me a few things that are hugely important in my understanding of the System. It's not that my Sifu didn't teach me these things, but sometimes just the way something is explained from another point of view allows it to sink in better.

The last visit we had to Sigung's was May 29th. This visit was different because we were going there for a special seminar about Wing Chun history and the inner secrets of Wing Chun. It was pretty interesting and what we learned sinks in more and more each day. The seminar was done by our Sigung's Wing Chun brother, Moy 2. He is called Moy 2 because he was the first person in the U.S. to learn Wing Chun from Moy Yat. There are many versions to the story of where Wing Chun came from, but what we learned at this seminar makes more sense than the others. Moy 2 has done a great deal of research about Wing Chun history and the truths about Wing Chun, so I tend to believe what he shared with us. One point I will share about what I learned is that Wing Chun was invented by a woman. This has always been hard to believe for men because women don't tend to be the fighting type. Where Wing Chun was invented was in a place called Li Jiang. In this place 300 years ago was a culture wherein women were the dominant sex, so basically they were the ones doing the construction, the fighting, the farting and the burping. I added the last 2 but you know what I mean. They were still physically built the same way but the women were the aggressors and had created an intelligent "martial art" or "fighting system" that required little strength to be very powerful and useful.

After class we got back to Kitchener and went to our friend's house for a barbecue with a bunch of us from class. We have been there a few times now and we have fun every time. They have a kick-ass barbecue set up on their deck and the rest of the backyard is a pool. They also set up the TV on the back deck and we watched UFC. Good times for sure. We have had quite a few good nights with these two, in fact we went to Montreal with them to go to UFC. We went to the one where Lyoto Machida got knocked out. I will tell you more about our trip there in another post.

Self Defence
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

Canadian Wing Chun Fellowship
Heritage Martial Arts