Sunday, May 23, 2010

Well it has been a while since my last post, just didn't feel like writing I guess. We are getting closer to the next part of our journey. The plans have changed drastically but we like the changes. Instead of bhiking the rest of the way across Canada we are going to drive our Jeep. Tara doesn't really want to bike the highway anymore, which I completely understand. Both our knees felt it and we don't want to do anymore damage to our bodies just to prove something. We biked almost 2500km to get here and we're pretty proud of that. We have also decided that we are going to come back here for another year of training. We love Wing Chun and need to learn more. Since I'm going to teach it someday we feel this is the best thing to do. I like to say I'm here going to school, which is exactly what I'm doing.

Our friends Dana and Jen are going to drive the Jeep to us. Dana is fixing it up for me, since it's not ready for long distance driving. They should be here close to the end of June. Then we will be leaving for a two month trip. We are not exactly sure where we are going, we like to just go where we feel. The only plans are to go to the islands and explore whatever we meet up with in between. We are bringing the bikes for day rides and we are planning on biking all around P.E.I.. Before we leave though I'm going to try and tell you a bit more about our Kitchener experience. It will take a few posts but I'll try my best get all the details in.

As you know when we got here we were only going to stay for a week of intense training, 26 hours of class and privates to be exact. Then it turned into "We will stay for the month." Now it has been eight months and we are very happy we stayed. The city itself is okay, a city is a city to me. What we love so much about this place is our reason for being here and the friends that we have made. Every single one of them is amazing, some have become closer friends then others but they are all still great. I won't point out the ones that are closer but I will write down as many names as I can think of right now. Dan, Dan, and Dan, yes 3 Dan's. There was 4th but we haven't seen him in a while. Malcom, Rick, Bob, Phil, Yuri, Alex, Brock, Onno, Ray, Mauricio, Jeannette, Ken, Brian, Ferrah, Larry, Tim, Darren, Paul, Anya, Bill, James, Katie, and of course Sifu Chuck. These are our friends from the club, there are more but I can't remember everyone right now. The friends I've made at work are amazing as well. I work at Shoppers Drug Mart as a Merchandiser and I quite enjoy my job. My friends names are Angela, Julie, Luke, Kelly, Jesse, Alana, Pat, Boza, Nina, Gordanna, Trevor, Andreea, Fallen, Amanda, Melissa, Bethany, Paul, and Ben my boss. Again there are more but can't remember everyone right now. Just mention a few more, Kate, Vicki, and Sharron. They are wives of a few of the guys and two are good friends with Tara.

The main things we do here are train, live, and. Heavy on the live and train, and we love it. We bike, walk and bus everywhere we go, unless we get a ride from someone. It is a completely different world being on the side of the road biking then being on the road in a vehicle. It's funny how such a simple shift can change the world which you experience. Since we walk and bike everywhere we are in the best shape of our lives, I'm sure all the training has something to do with it as well. It is an adventure every time we go anywhere. They are not big adventures but they are more of an adventure then when you drive. The winter was so mild this year that biking was always an option.

The way we spend money has has been another change since we started our journey. Instead of buying things, we have been buying a lot of experiences. We are constantly doing something, from training, traveling to just going out on the town. We don't go to big clubs but we do go to a lot of Restaurants and Pub's. There are many nice places to go to in downtown Waterloo; Kitchener too, but the best are in Waterloo. In my last post I mentioned that we went to Arizona, which was a great time. We rented Harley's for 2 days and the rides were awesome. The desert is so very beautiful. We have gone to Toronto a few times to train with our Sigung, which I will go into more detail later. I just got back from a trip home, which again I will go into more detail later.

We have experienced so much in this past year. It is really very amazing and I wouldn't have wanted to do anything else. The thought of, 'what if we had stayed in Fort McMurray', gives me a sick feeling to my stomach. To think of not experiencing everything we have is just too much. I even had a dream the other night that we had moved back to Fort McMurray. As soon as a I realised that we were there I started to cry, I was so sad that we had left Kitchener prematurely. Then I woke up and everything was okay again. It's going to be nice to continue writing about Kitchener in more detail before we go.

I hope you are all enjoying hearing about our experiences, because we are having a great time doing it.