Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hey there all. I just wanted to say that I watched that video I mentioned in the last post and wow. That is a must see, a must see by all. Please people we must educate ourselves before we are all under a world government that is only interested in one thing and that is control. Control of every aspect of our lives. In the video it tells alot about this subject. Of course it is still up to you whether or not you want to believe it but you still should atleast watch it.

Wouldn't you want to know if Hitler was on his way, I know I would. Get ready the world is changing right before our eyes. The truth about what is realing going on around us is coming out, so very exciting.

One more thing the link for prison planet is actually The other one is still good but this is the one I meant to write. Talk to you later.

Also the links on the end of the blogs are so I can help my Sifu and my Sensei get more business and not necessarily because they believe in the same things I do. They are there own people and they probably haven't even read my blog yet.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company
Canadian Wing Chun Association