Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I recently read a great paragraph in a book by Stuart Wilde, which I will quote below, called "Whispering Winds of Change". The chapter is entitled, "Minimalism: A Survival Technique for the Future". I feel it sums up the self defense that we teach quite well. Now the chapter is not about self defense, but it works.

"Minimalism in music is a composition, simple in structure and form, in which the main motif is repeated continuously, rather than the theme extrapolating outward to more and more complexity. In design and style, minimalism is expressed through the concept of using the simplest or fewest elements to create the maximum effect. Minimalism is uncluttered, often clean and pure, and is considered somewhat stark by some people. A typical minimalist home would have stone pieces of furniture-only as many as are absolutely necessary. The old traditional homes of Japan are models of minimalism: tatami mats , bare rooms, simple lines, and form."

Our self defense is based on gross body movements which is the natural movements of the body that can be performed in stressful situations, like when your life is on the line. It consists of the most effective and simple techniques to accomplish your goal, which is to survive. If it is over complicated it just will not work. Sure the complicated stuff looks cool but it is not effective. Just ask my sensei or anyone that has been in a fight for their life. KISS or, keep it simple stupid, is another way to put it. Minimal training for maximum effect; a hand full of techniques for a thousand situations. Just another couple of ways to describe what we teach. Minimalism is a beautiful thing and can be had or done by anyone, just like the self defense that we teach. I hope I made myself clear and you can see what I am trying to say.

Self Defense
Martial Arts
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are now on our journey! We left from Spruce Grove on a bus to go to Lloydminster, where we spent the night. After dropping our packs off in the Hotel we decided to go for a walk through town. I have been there quite a few times so it was not exciting or anything. The next day we took a bus to North Battleford, SK. This was when we started walking on the Trans Canada Trail. We started about 6 or 7 km out of town and then walked into town. Most of the trail there is within city limits. Since it was the beginning of our trip, we figured this was the best way to start. We are guessing that we walked about 15 or 20km throughout the area. North Battleford and Battleford, which are separated by a river, are very nice places. There is a lot of Native heritage, mainly Cree . We spent about 3 or 4 days in the area and enjoyed ourselves the entire time. We spent 3 nights in hotels and 1 night in a campground. At the campground there were benches that overlooked the valley into the distance. When we sat on the bench before sunset, we noticed we could see the entire trail that we had walked that day. It made us feel very accomplished. Sitting on the bench reflecting on the day reminded us that the "walk" is only a means to experience the freedom we seek. Walking through town does not offer many places to camp. This was fine for us, as we are just getting started and need time to build up strength for the longer hikes which we will eventually be taking.

Already this new life style is going great. Freedom is something that we actually did not fully understand until we stepped out of the everyday life that society had offered us. Believe me when I say it is much better being outside looking in, than being inside looking out. Just to add to that, the night before we left I barely slept because of thoughts and fears going crazy in my mind. We are all comfortable living in the "tick-tock" and that is what the powers in control want, but that is not what is best for you and me. It does not allow for us to become truly strong in mind, body and spirit. We must step outside and learn who we are and what the world really has to offer. There is a lot of mind numbing stimulus keeping us entertained and weak. Some people say they wish they could do what we are doing. What they really mean is they wish they could be doing what they want to do, and not what they think they should do. So, empower yourself to do what you want, even if others think you shouldn't. It is your life; it does not belong to anyone else.

Just so you know, we are farther along then we are writing. We feel it is safer to share our stories after we have already left the area. It is for our own safety.

Martial Arts
Self Defense
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company