Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It is now April 29th and we are almost on our way out of Fort McMurray. The past couple of weeks have been very busy and very exciting. We have been visiting alot of friends and family. I can't believe how many amazing friends we have and the fact that we are leaving them is making it that much more obvious. We will miss everyone of them very much.

We had our goodbye party almost two weeks ago and it was awesome. I wish I could have a party like that every weekend. So much fun and alot of heart felt goodbyes. It's in these moments that show you how much your friends and family really care about you.

The day of the party we also had a garage sale where we sold almost everything that we own, minus a few things that we just don't want to have to buy again when we are finished our journey. It felt great stripping ourselves of all those useless possesions that we made so important all those years. It is so good for the ego to just let go. Ever since we decided to take this trip our lives have been so much more exciting and full. Don't get me wrong we did our best to remain in the moment for many years now but the difference is we are finally doing something that feels truly write and necessary. Working everyday and living in the tick tock of daily life just doesn't cut it and I am sure most will agree.

We had dinner the other night with Al Hancock, he is a man that has climbed the seven summits and is planning on climbing everest again. Very cool guy and the tips he gave us were awesome. The coolest part of the meeting was that he is proud of what we are doing. He is a person that can really appreciate what is we are doing, since he has first hand experience doing things that most would call crazy or would not even consider doing. Most people are excited for us but none of them have ever done such a thing. Usually it is fear that stops most from stepping outside of the box as Al said to us. We do feal scared and nervous but who wouldn't, the most important thing is that we don't allow such a thing to stop us. Anyway fear isn't even real, by the time you experience what is you are fearful of you are no longer scared. Fear only exists in the mind and never in the moment. There is no room for fear only action. I try to teach about fear in my self defense classes so people can rise above it and not allow it to control there lives. It feels great to face your fears and rise above them.

Well the next month we will be in Edmonton visiting Tara's parents and all our friends down there. After that we go visit my mom in Smoky Lake then to Loydminister to start our Journey, I'm so excited:)

Martial Arts
Self defense
Joe Self Defense
The Self Defense Company

Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Started

For the last six months we have been planning and training in preparation for our big journey. This have been moving very fast lately and they have become evermore exciting. This is like a dream coming true. We have pretty much everything we need to survive from backpacks and hiking shoes to self defense tools. We just sold our house about two weeks ago and that was the biggest things that needed to happen. Now we just have to finish off our time at work visit family and friends, then we are on our way.

We will be starting at Lloydminster Alberta and we will be heading east. Most of hiking will be on the Trans Canada walking trail. We probably won't walk the whole way. We may hitch hike or take buses when ever we feel like. Basically we are going to be free to do what ever we feel like. I can't wait to feel that freedom. Escape the tick tock world and do something exciting and what so many people seem to think is just crazy. A little different sure but not crazy really. I know there are lots of people doing such things and I'm sure they don't think it's to crazy just exciting. Well I guess you can follow along and enjoy the trip with us and maybe we will see you on the way, and hopefully I will have a chance to teach you or train with you.

Next step is the first step.

Martial Arts
Self Defense
The Self Defense Company